
商务航空需要像你这样有才华的年轻专业人士. 这就是为什么NBAA会给你提供工具,让你走得更远、更快.

As an undergraduate or high school student interested in aviation, 你的职业道路有很多选择. 对于那些寻求在公务航空事业, 这个行业提供了出色的飞机多样性, missions, 日程安排和客户, and there are great prospects for jobs and career advancement at locations nationwide.

商务航空提供了各种各样的工作角色, 包括飞行部门经理和飞行员, 维修经理和技术人员, 安全和保安专家, 调度程序和调度程序, 乘务员和飞行技术人员, 地面支援专家, 飞机制造和设计专家, 航空法专家, 航空金融专家和包机销售专家. NBAA为追求所有这些职业道路提供了资源.

Join NBAA as a student member for access to member benefits including the Business Aviation Jobs board, discounts for NBAA events and access to members-only website content. 今天就作为学生加入NBAA吧!



商务航空内幕学生版 *

《365bet台湾》2023-2024学生版包括来自公务航空业人士的鼓舞人心的个人故事, including tips and strategies on how they found their paths to success. 年轻的专业人士和退伍军人分享了他们的经验,为什么商务航空最终成为了完美的选择. 下载学生杂志(PDF)


NBAA offers a growing number of scholarships to support students in various segments of business aviation. 奖学金既适用于那些寻求进入该行业的人,也适用于那些寻求职业发展的人.

Workforce Development Powerpoint Presentation: 商务航空事业 *

本次演讲是教育和激励下一代飞行员了解商务航空所能提供的服务的工具. It is a resource, not only for members seeking to captivate students during their presentations, but also as a wellspring of knowledge for students eager to delve into the realms of business aviation. 下载商务航空事业简报(PPTX)


NBAA’s Mentoring Network fosters a collaborative environment for professional growth. 参与者根据位置进行匹配, industry objectives and other factors to provide an engaging and fulfilling experience.


NBAA’s YoPro group is dedicated to fostering community in business aviation. If you are young and building a career in business aviation this is a group of passionate, fun and inspiring professionals wanting to connect and build a network.


NBAA provides a comprehensive program of industry events each year, 哪些是有效的职业社交场所. 学生经常可以享受折扣.

Jobs Board

对于那些即将进入专业领域的人, NBAA招聘板允许您发布简历并访问公务航空招聘列表(必须年满18岁)。.

商务航空事业 *

NBAA has developed several resources outlining exciting opportunities within business aviation. 查找有关薪金的资料, 培训要求及更多, along with testimonials from young people thriving in the industry. 了解更多公务航空职业发展路径.

公务航空招工海报 *

非常适合教室和活动, 这些海报提供了一个引人注目的行业概述和它的许多成功的职业机会.




使用区域商务航空组目录查找您所在地区的区域商务航空组, attend their events, 在离家近的地方建立关系网.